Candidates who wish to enter the navigational and engineering fields of Merchant Navy need to complete their (10+2) and High School with PCM (Physics, Chemistry & Biology) group from a recognized Institute are eligible to join as Deck & Engine Rating. HSC passed candidates can join as Seaman Rating.
The age restriction is 17 yrs to 25 yrs depending on the qualification of the candidates. However the restriction is relaxed for sponsored candidates.
One common eligibility criteria for merchant navy rating in all the fields is medical fitness. Candidate should be physically fit for sea service under standard norms and must come along with a physical fitness certificate. The eyesight must be 6/6 with no color blindness.
The candidate who is medically fit for sea service under international maritime organization norms will be selected after verifying the original documents.
The academy provides theoretical and practical knowledge of seamanship principles of navigation, rules of the road, Basic marine engineer, Chart work and about STCW 2010 regulations.
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